Yep! Of course, as an adopted Bostonian, I love that the city has adopted "Dirty Water" as its own. (Both Cobb and The Standells were from L.A.: he wrote the song after he and his girlfriend were mugged while on vacation in Boston.)
Actually, you wanna talk wild connections, I found one that astounded me while writing about The Associates. In his late teens in the late 1970s, Billy Mackenzie basically hoboed his way across America. In New Orleans, he married a woman named Claudia Dummar. They were only together for a few months, but they were married from 1977 to 1980, when Claudia belatedly filed for divorce after Billy had gone back to Scotland and started the band.
Claudia Dummar's older brother was Melvin Dummar, the guy who claimed to be in Howard Hughes' will that the movie Melvin and Howard was about.